Lymphedema is the condition where there is a persistent swelling of the arms or legs. It may occur after a series of different things like the removal or damage of lymph nodes, after a mastectomy, or following infection or scar formation which blocks the lymphatic fluid flow. It can also occur in other places other than the leg or arm. However, the arm and leg is most common. Lymphedema can occur weeks or months after the initial injury. This condition can also be inherited, as well.
The lymphatic fluid is transported out of the body through a network of lymph vessels. When there is a buildup of protein-rich fluids in one specific area, the result is swelling in that area. Due to this, the body has an inflammatory reaction called fibrosis. Because of the fibrosis it makes it much harder for the body to release the fluid. The increased fluids and fibrosis prevents the flow of oxygen which in turn delays the healing process and creates a higher risk for infection.
Symptoms include swelling, heaviness or tightness, restricted range of motion, aching or discomfort, recurring infections, or hardening and discoloration of the skin. It is crucial to contact a doctor when experiencing these symptoms for a prolonged period of time. Lymphedema often gets confused with another condition called edema. It is important to not get them mixed up.
Physical therapy is a great way to ease the pain when experiencing lymphedema. It is a physical therapist’s job to make you as comfortable as you can be while trying to ease the pain and relieve lymphedema. Custom-made compression bandaging and compression garments, postural and therapeutic exercise, and massages are all treatment options a physical therapist might suggest for lymphedema. Compression garments are helpful by enhancing the blood flow back to the lymph vessels. In turn, this can help soften fluid-swollen areas. Exercising should be done while wearing these compression garments. Research shows that resistance training helped with lymphedema.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.
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