Thursday, February 4, 2016

How to Fall Safely

Don’t you wish those “Caution: Wet Floor” signs that we see in local supermarkets could be placed on the ground outdoors as well, saving us from slipping on the black ice that winter has so graciously bestowed upon us? Winter is definitely upon us and we are finding ourselves on the ground as we cannot catch our footing on this uneven and slippery roads and sidewalks. This wintry weather is when the most accidents occur, both on foot and in vehicles. We must be cautious and keep ourselves safe but sometimes you just can’t seem to catch your balance with these icy walkways. 
Have you ever seen those cartoons where the guy slips on the banana peel? That could be you but only with ice instead. Sometimes you may be able to regain footing but most of the time we are not always so lucky. The question is, though, when you know you are going to fall, what can we do to protect ourselves from getting hurt? You can reduce the impact of a fall and protect yourself from serious injury with just a few steps:
  •   The most important thing to protect from a fall is your head. An injury to this area can lead to major trauma and can even be fatal. Make protection of your head a priority before making contact with the ground. Tuck your chin into your chest and place your arms behind your head for extra protection (or in front of your head if falling forward). 
  •   It is also important to tuck your arm and legs in close to your core when falling to avoid absorbing full force or impact of the fall. If your body parts are too straight, it is more likely to break bones or tear a muscle because they are too stiff, so be sure to stay as loose as possible.  
  •   Lastly, try to roll when going into your fall. Instead of making impact heavily in one area, rolling can help you distribute the force of the fall to avoid major injury or damage to areas of the body.
If you use these helpful tips, you will hopefully only walk away from a fall with minor cuts and bruises at worst. While we are always here for you at Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, PC, we much rather have you avoiding a trip to the doctor or us if there is a way to avoid injury.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.

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