Thursday, June 25, 2015

Cancer Related Fatigue and How PT Can Help


Cancer Related Fatigue and How PT Can Help

by lakecountrypt, June 24, 2015

Fatigue, also described as being weak, tired, or stressed can be exhausting on your body and it is unfortunately a symptom of cancer. A lot of cancers release a protein called cytokines which cause fatigue to your body. Fatigue also occurs when your body tries repairing your cells and tissues. This happens from treatments such as chemotherapy, or radiation because they destroy your healthy cells.
However there are ways around feeling like this and physical therapy is the key.

Physical therapists have an approach to this where they help improve strength and endurance, while improving balance and coordination. Your physical therapist will help you come up with exercise programs and strengthening regimens, in order for you to get back on track, and feeling like a new person. Physical therapists also have massage therapies which can help reduce stress and depression. With exercise comes everything including flexibility, motivation, and strength. If you want to improve your well-being you have to be willing to exercise and stretch. You will learn how to conserve energy and pace yourself for your everyday physical activities. Believe it or not rest is not the answer to fatigue, you have to find ways to get your energy levels up through exercising.

Physical Therapists will come up with certain programs that best fit that person’s fatigue. By letting them teach you the proper way to increase stamina and performance you will start feeling a lot better about your body. Stretching is extremely important because it helps improve mobility, posture, and muscle balance. Dont sit around and let fatigue take a toll on your life, there are ways around it, call a physical therapist today.

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