Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to prevent muscle cramps

Muscle cramps, while not a serious injury, are something everyone has had, or will have, sometime throughout their life. Muscle cramps tend to develop from over exercising, by not stretching enough before a workout, or from being dehydrated. It’s important to know what a muscle cramp is and how they can be prevented.
A muscle cramp is when you have an involuntary and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax. One can get a muscle cramp in several ways, such as overusing your muscles when exercising. This is why it’s important to stretch out fully before the workout and after the workout as well. You can also get a muscle cramp from low blood supply to your legs and feet such as when you are exercising (walking, running, etc.). Spinal nerve compression causes cramps when one is walking or standing, alcoholism and pregnancy could cause cramps as well.
You can prevent cramps from occurring by staying hydrated and drinking at least 8 to 12 glasses of water daily. Overheating your body due to too much exercising is also something you should avoid. Know your limits and stop so as not to injure yourself. If you want to prevent muscle cramps you need to be stretching both before and after your workout. Muscle cramps are common in the back of the lower legs, front and back of your thigh (think charley horse), as well as your abs, hands and feet.
To avoid muscle cramps entirely, you should think about certain exercises that always give you problems and leave you sore. Try to avoid those exercises entirely, or at least limit them to give your muscles a break. If you are having frequent pain, try stretching more. You could also take magnesium, a vitamin supplement, or use an application of epsom salt. Apply a wet cloth with the salts and press on the cramped area. Another option is to take an epsom salt bath for a complete soak of your body to prevent cramps from coming up in any area of your body.
Muscle cramps are an unfortunate effect most people will get in their lifetimes, from exercising or another cause. Always stay hydrated and drink a lot of water. Stretching is the other key that will keep your muscles strong and prevent cramps. If you follow these steps and continue to exercise safely, you should be able to stay cramp free.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

American Heart Month


February is typically thought of as the month of Valentine’s Day, but there is actually another heart theme this month, and it lasts not one day but for all 28 days! February is also now known as American Heart Month, and it is all about getting your heart healthy as well as doing things to keep it that way. It can be hard to eat healthy or find time for exercise nowadays, but staying healthy while still living a life is very manageable.
Exercise is very important for everyone, especially if you want to lose weight or are trying to get in better shape. You do not need to do all that much just to stay healthy and keep your heart beating strong. Daily exercise is always recommended, and the American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, 5 times a week. For most people that would be a challenge to do; with work and doing your other daily tasks, it might seem like you have no time. It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes all at once if it makes it easier for you break the time up. 10 minutes of exercise in the morning, 10 on your lunch break, and 10 at night is just one solution that could work for people.
If you don’t know how you plan on exercising just yet, you could always start with walking to get healthy. Walk around the block before work, on your break, or later in the evening. It is easy and something everyone is familiar with, plus walking shouldn’t be too stressful on your heart. After all, walking is at a nice relaxed pace, and maybe down the line you could start jogging!
Diet is also just as important when talking about heart health. Stay away from fatty foods or items high in cholesterol. If you are craving something sweet, go with fruit instead of candy as it is healthier and will fill your sugar craving. Another important thing would be to limit your sodium intake. Too much salt will raise your blood pressure and can cause harm later on down the road.
Blood pressure is a key factor when discussing heart health. You do not want your blood pressure to be too high as it can put you at risk of heart disease or a heart attack. People with high blood pressure are 4 times more likely to die from a stroke, and are 3 times more likely to die from heart disease when compared to people with normal blood pressure. The scary thing about having high blood pressure is that there are rarely any signs or symptoms, which is why you should have your blood pressure checked regularly. If you or someone you know has high blood pressure, ask your doctor about medication, and take it as directed. If you are a smoker, quit immediately! If not, then don’t ever start because it will only damage your heart.
There are a lot of things one can do to manage heart risk:
  • Exercise
  • Eat healthier
  • Manage blood pressure 
  • Lose weight
  • Reduce sugar
  • Stop smoking
Changing your lifestyle can be a challenge, but if you have a strong support system and are doing the right things, the change will better your life. If you’re heart healthy, perhaps you could inspire others to get healthy as well. Heart health is important and it will help ensure that you have a nice, long, healthy life.
For continued help in staying heart healthy, be sure to talk with your primary care provider as well as us at Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare. We are happy to help you every step of the way.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

How to Fall Safely

Don’t you wish those “Caution: Wet Floor” signs that we see in local supermarkets could be placed on the ground outdoors as well, saving us from slipping on the black ice that winter has so graciously bestowed upon us? Winter is definitely upon us and we are finding ourselves on the ground as we cannot catch our footing on this uneven and slippery roads and sidewalks. This wintry weather is when the most accidents occur, both on foot and in vehicles. We must be cautious and keep ourselves safe but sometimes you just can’t seem to catch your balance with these icy walkways. 
Have you ever seen those cartoons where the guy slips on the banana peel? That could be you but only with ice instead. Sometimes you may be able to regain footing but most of the time we are not always so lucky. The question is, though, when you know you are going to fall, what can we do to protect ourselves from getting hurt? You can reduce the impact of a fall and protect yourself from serious injury with just a few steps:
  •   The most important thing to protect from a fall is your head. An injury to this area can lead to major trauma and can even be fatal. Make protection of your head a priority before making contact with the ground. Tuck your chin into your chest and place your arms behind your head for extra protection (or in front of your head if falling forward). 
  •   It is also important to tuck your arm and legs in close to your core when falling to avoid absorbing full force or impact of the fall. If your body parts are too straight, it is more likely to break bones or tear a muscle because they are too stiff, so be sure to stay as loose as possible.  
  •   Lastly, try to roll when going into your fall. Instead of making impact heavily in one area, rolling can help you distribute the force of the fall to avoid major injury or damage to areas of the body.
If you use these helpful tips, you will hopefully only walk away from a fall with minor cuts and bruises at worst. While we are always here for you at Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare, PC, we much rather have you avoiding a trip to the doctor or us if there is a way to avoid injury.
Lake Country Physical Therapy & Sportscare PC offers the very best physical therapy in Ontario County. We treat all your wants and needs with our trusted and experienced Physical Therapists and staff. To begin to feel pain and stress free, start your Physical Therapy journey today and schedule your evaluation by calling (585) 396-1400.